Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Review: $600 Mid-Range is Here

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Posts: 589   +888
I just want to say a few days ago I called it that it would be faster than the 3080 at 1440p (slightly) and slower at 4k (slightly). It was an intuitive guess based on the fact the 30 series scaled better at 4K and the 3080 has a much higher memory bandwidth. So, there you have it, the 4070 is the best value Nvidia has to offer at the moment, but if you are looking for a significant value uplift from the 30 series, it's not here. Just $100 cheaper than 3080 in costs with equal performance 2.5 years later. Still, part of the reason for this is that the 3080 was based on GA102 when originally it was supposed to be GA103. This made the 3080 12% or so faster than it was originally meant to be. I guess if Nvidia had released the GA103 3080 instead, the 4070 would be roughly 10-15% faster for $100 less and seem like a much better value. It's also worth noting that the 6800 XT is also on par for rasterization performance but is nearly just as expensive. I think we'll see both the 3080 and 6800XT decrease in resale value due to the 4070, at least to around or under $500. Should reduce 3070, 3070 Ti cards as well.


Posts: 2,081   +1,119
I just made my move and got a 3070 at $300. Used of course, but with warranty seals intact and 6 more months of warranty coverage. So I lost 20% performance at 50% price.
Nice. Mine was roughly 420 but at the end of 2022. Good card in these crazy times of inflated prices.


Posts: 644   +1,153
The 4070 is a reasonable value in these crazy times for what it is: a solid midrange card for 1440p with some settings turned down for the latest greatest (or poorly optimized) games.

12 GB could cause future problems but at that point so will the compute power of the card. Again, know what you are getting and you won’t be mad later.

The real issue is to future proof your card you have to double the price. The 4070 Ti should have 16 GB as a long-term 1440p option. As it is the 4070 Ti doesn’t make sense and $1200 to upgrade from a 3070 or above is crazy.


Posts: 692   +1,435
TechSpot Elite
Thank you for the review Steve. Great work, useful advices too. And indeed, 4070 is the best affordable price/performance new 4xxx gen Nvidia offers nowadays, including what we've seen from AMD, I mean they still not released any new mid-range videocard.
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Posts: 692   +1,435
TechSpot Elite
I just made my move and got a 3070 at $300. Used of course, but with warranty seals intact and 6 more months of warranty coverage. So I lost 20% performance at 50% price.
I made a similar move too.
I was prepared to wait for AMD and Nvidia new gen videocard prices to settle down.
2 days ago I found a great offer from one of my supplier, a new ASUS TUF RX 7900XTX OC for "only" 840 Euro, so I took it instantly :)
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Posts: 1,263   +1,019
Thank you for the review.

After reading TechSpot's and Other's 4070 review, I couldn't help but think of AMD's marketing from yesterday....



Posts: 232   +359
You guys are funny... it is a 3080 with 12GB of VRAM, 2 years later, at 600$ MSRP...

This is not a 90/100 GPU, it is a joke. So much for saying that less than 16GB of VRAM is now an issue, just to give this card 90/100.

The fact that you can buy a 6950XT for about the same price, is making this GPU DOA.


Posts: 692   +1,435
TechSpot Elite
You guys are funny... it is a 3080 with 12GB of VRAM, 2 years later, at 600$ MSRP...

This is not a 90/100 GPU, it is a joke. So much for saying that less than 16GB of VRAM is now an issue, just to give this card 90/100.

The fact that you can buy a 6950XT for about the same price, is making this GPU DOA.
You have a valid point, just that for nowdays videocard market, 4070 is perhaps one of the best offers we can buy. In some markets, it is already hard to find 6950XT and the top new gen videocards, both from Nvidia and AMD are still overpriced in my opinion.
Though the Techspot score is quite overhyped, but this is my personal opinion.

BTW chat, If is OK for Techspot staff, I am thinking to propose to everybody, if they are willing too, to give their personal score point to 4070 card, and see, like a poll, what chat forum users average score will be. And without any drama, let's keep it civilized.

I can give 85 points to 4070 videocard.
Let's the forum poll begin.
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Posts: 232   +359
First RTX 4000 series card which performance I'm not impressed by. Nvidia set the bar high with RTX 4090 and 4080 and now other cards look kind of meh. In my opinion, this should be valued at around $450.
Are you kidding me? Beside the 4090, this whole lineup by Nvidia has been unimpressive.

If you put in perspective the MSRPs of the 4000 series, than it is rather an abysmal showing from Nvidia.

Just add the whole not enough VRAM problems on most of Nvidia SKUs and you have all the ingredients to skip any SKUs beside the 4090. The 4080 would be interesting, but it is 300-400$ overpriced.


Posts: 1,298   +2,456
Man, I remember when that $600 price range used to land you a top-end tier card. Now it's only able to land you a mid-ranged card.....$650 8 years ago (cost for a 980Ti) is now the same as $822 today.

Maybe I'm really starting to realize that this might not be a hobby I continue in if pricing continues to climb and climb like it has been.


Posts: 1,565   +3,386
"The Radeon 6800 XT can be had for around $570 and it offers more VRAM, but you'll have to weigh that up against the lack of DLSS support and inferior ray tracing performance - we'd probably still go with the RTX 4070. "

"Techspot score:90/100"

Yeap, nothing to see here.



Posts: 1,637   +3,073
Not cheap but then what GPU is these days? With the next step up is $200 more and the immediate step below (presumably 4060Ti) potentially coming with only 8GB of memory this is about the best value you are going to get in Nvidia's line up.


Posts: 17   +30
6800XT performance at ~100W less for the same price. Assuming the new 4070 stays at MSRP and is actually available, these will sell like hotcakes.


Posts: 1,298   +2,456
"The Radeon 6800 XT can be had for around $570 and it offers more VRAM, but you'll have to weigh that up against the lack of DLSS support and inferior ray tracing performance - we'd probably still go with the RTX 4070. "

"Techspot score:90/100"

Yeap, nothing to see here.

The only thing this card really has going for it is the power consumption. Everything else for the price of it is just pure sh*t. It's not faster than the 3080 and it even loses to it at 4K (in before the folks that scream, "but it's not meant for 4k!").

I'll just do what I can do and vote with my wallet - this generation of GPUs (from Nvidia and AMD) are not impressive enough to warrant me spending my money on their crap. Maybe next gen will be a proper improvement.
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