Question: Do you consider your hardware purchases an "investment"


Posts: 5,360   +7,279
I, probably like many of you, spend a lot of time in front of my computer. 90% of the games I play are ESO, EvE and Age of Empires 2, not very demanding games. Unfortunately for me, my screen died. I love bragging about how I use a 65" 4k Samsung as my display because my home office is also my home theater due to space constraints. I got 6 fantastic years out of this display and paid nearly $3000 for it back in 2017. It is now time for me to replace it and I'm wondering if I should consider a display as an investment in my time. It's basically cost me $500 a year for something I spend several hours a day in front of. Heck, in the winter, there are days where I spend 16+ hours a day in front of it. I plan on replacing it with a 75" 8k TV but those are also very expensive.

I'm not talking about the walmart brand(I know TCL isn't a "walmart" brand), but as someone who paid $3000 for a TV with features like full array local dimming, there is a massive difference between the cheap stuff. I wouldn't say that costs have come down on this tech, it's more like the tech has improved and the prices have stayed about the same.

These are not small purchases and I'm curious how other people view making them. I can't justify buy a $2000 graphics card every 18 months, my 6700xt is overkill for my needs anyway, but a display is different. I think of the literal thousands of hours I have gotten out of the display and from a value perspective, I've probably paid pennies an hour to use it.

I am going to be buying a new Samsung 8k QLED but I'd like to hear other peoples opinion on their mindset when making big purchases. I've gotten enough value out of my TV over the last 6 years that I consider it an investment in my private time, what are your thoughts when making big teach purchases?


Posts: 7,814   +878
TS Special Forces
I think my thought process regarding big tech purchases is probably similar to yours. If I've gotten sufficient utility from my existing TV or graphics card or whatever and if I want a new one and can afford one, then yeah I would be willing to pull the trigger and buy it. Everyone might have a different idea of what "enough value" was but, nonetheless, at some point you reach it.


Posts: 1,471   +1,298
A display is literally the most important piece. Got my first OLED recently and it's a game changer. Playing games on low settings on that looks infinitely better than the same game on ultra with rtx on my IPS monitor.


Posts: 5,360   +7,279
A display is literally the most important piece. Got my first OLED recently and it's a game changer. Playing games on low settings on that looks infinitely better than the same game on ultra with rtx on my IPS monitor.
I absolutely love OLEDs, but my specific use case makes burn in very likely. It's why I'm looking at QLEDs, they're good at everything but not really great at anything. However, knowing that my use case makes burn in and dimming likely, going QLED makes sense. Still a fantastic display technology but not nearly as good as OLED. It's a compromise that has to be made, I envy your OLED