How to Use Midjourney to Create AI Images


Posts: 1,611   +1,163
That woman looks an awful lot like the gal from iZombie. Hmmm.

if you use the right prompts you can recreate very close to real images already existing on the internet - part of the ongoing legal cases for IP abuse

ie you can show with a high probability what images AI used as a source - especially if prompt uses a person's name - war world one fighter who looks like Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai holding a book by Ron Hubbard fighting the uncleansed


Posts: 765   +510
BTW, if you search for "fantasy landscape" you'll find that human made landscapes are much more original and imaginative than AI-generated landscapes. Yes, there are a few types of cool images which are characteristic for Midjourney, but go to Pond5 or Art Station and you'll be drooling all over the screen.


Posts: 181   +134
Here's a better idea: Support real artists and not support AI art. Besides, we know AI tools just rip images from the net, and it's not real art.
Real art takes time and dedication.
you just have soooo many friends dont you


Posts: 181   +134
I'm just saying I rather support real artists, who take time and effort to make their works, than take a 5-second prompt to let a machine do it for them. AI will never replace real artists.
yea I agree with that, ur first message may have been a bit over the top, I like the art ai makes, but ill never use it outside of using them as profile pictures or paying for it, ill do that with real artists tho
Too bad it doesn't work. "Find all the pictures of the camera". You do that. "Whoops, something went wrong. Hey, can we have your phone number and email to spam you with? Thanks sucker, but you still aren't going to be able to use this site!"


Posts: 2,081   +1,119
Here's a better idea: Support real artists and not support AI art. Besides, we know AI tools just rip images from the net, and it's not real art.
Real art takes time and dedication.
I wish people understood this. They hear word generate, but this tool literally scanned everything it was allowed to, millions of images, real ones someone took time and effort to create.
I am not against AI. But I am highly oppose making money from using this tool and more importantly what the tool used to create images.


Posts: 5,360   +7,279
Are we gonna have an AI image match up? I totally think we should have an AI image match up.....


Posts: 519   +434
I'll admit the images are scarily good but I do worry a bit for my son who's just finishing an art degree. Then again, with ChatGPT, I suppose I should worry about my own job. It's interesting to wonder if the people that produce these tools will be seen as visionaries or irresponsible in the (perhaps near) future. I guess time will tell.

Dr Roboto

Posts: 100   +202
AI tools like the one we're using here have immense potential to revolutionize various aspects of creative expression. From my standpoint, the aim is not to replace traditional artists, but rather to democratize art. This technology opens up new avenues for participation in the realm of art, allowing individuals who may not possess the inherent artistic skills to actively engage and experience the joys of creation.

Have you ever felt the urge to write a captivating story, but lacked the artistic ability to bring your ideas to life through visuals? Perhaps you've envisioned a striking background or a captivating logo, yet found yourself limited by a lack of artistic expertise. The examples could go on.

Granted, the legal implications surrounding AI-generated content will need to be carefully addressed. It is crucial to ensure that creators are not misrepresented or undervalued. However, I believe it is important to separate these concerns from the overall value of the tool itself. By embracing and responsibly utilizing AI-powered tools, we can unlock a world of creative possibilities and empower a broader range of individuals to engage with and contribute to the artistic realm.

Disclaimer: The above text was generated using ChatGPT. The text is based on my own original response, but the following prompt was used to modify it: "Make the following forum post sound more fluent and intelligent."


Posts: 15   +6
Scammers are going to be a lot more powerful now. Just imagine them using a hyper-realistic deepfake, that also moves, talks, and scams people. Thanks, AI!


Posts: 1,494   +2,234
I'm just saying I rather support real artists, who take time and effort to make their works, than take a 5-second prompt to let a machine do it for them. AI will never replace real artists.
Anywhere time and effort can be removed from any step of any product or service, the entire global economy is strengthened. If it wasn't for this principle most of us would be focused on food production for most of our waking life. This of course has nothing to do with the time spent on any recreational activity for enjoyment, which will continue regardless.

I continue to support copyright law though. If the AI is "producing" images that would be subject to copyright claims under existing laws and precedents the owners behind them should be as liable as any other infringer.

On the claim that AI is benefitting from all the art that came before it, and is not paying out to its influencers, its an interesting discussion but one that I think would have to apply equally to humans as well, and far as I know no industry or craft has worked that way ever until now. All our endeavors are strongly based on the people and work that came before us, and there aren't taxes for that, and there probably shouldn't be or we'd have even fewer & bigger monopolies than we do now who would claim / buy / litigate / hoard those rights.


Posts: 1,494   +2,234
Musk is trying to claim in a court case that real footage of him was a deep fake. 🤣
I saw that story and couldn't believe that lawyer was that dumb. Elon's views on that topic have been widely witnessed, quoted, and video published live, and he didn't challenge them for all those years. I question whether Elon even authorized the lawyer to dispute that point in court, or believes it isn't true. His cars occasionally do very dumb things but then again so do humans, and he has a statistical argument to stand on.


Posts: 519   +434
From my standpoint, the aim is not to replace traditional artists, but rather to democratize art. This technology opens up new avenues for participation in the realm of art, allowing individuals who may not possess the inherent artistic skills to actively engage and experience the joys of creation.
I think Syndrome in the Incredibles film gives the best counter argument - "and when everyone is super ... no-one will be [followed by manic laughing]".